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I’m a mechanic

Jun 03, 2023

A MECHANIC with decades of experience has warned about a feature that electric car drivers should be aware of.

Electric vehicles are becoming increasingly popular and experts estimate that around 14milllion cars will be sold worldwide by the end of the year.

The US is one of the leading players, alongside China and the European Union, where most electric car sales are happening, per the International Energy Agency.

But, David Long, who is known as the Car Wizard, revealed in a YouTube clip that he likes electric vehicles but warned that drivers should be concerned if their battery health level is lower than 50 percent.

He recommended drivers should look elsewhere if they come across an electric vehicle that has a poor battery health level.

It could cost around $10,000 to replace an electric car's battery pack.

An electric vehicle loses around 12 percent of its range when temperatures are at 21 degrees compared to 73 degrees, according to the American Automobile Association.

If a driver’s electric car battery is struggling to hold its charge, it means that it will have to be plugged in more often.

Motoring fanatics at Car Wow have recommended steps drivers can take to extend their electric car battery’s lifespan.

Drivers should avoid letting their electric car batteries drain completely and driving aggressively when on the road.

Experts have suggested that the ideal level is between 20 and 80 percent charged.

Road users have also been encouraged not to charge their battery to 100 percent unless they’re heading on a long journey.

Drivers should park their electric car in a shady spot wherever possible, keeping it out of high temperatures.

Using a fast charging station can also impact the health of an electric car battery.

This is because it produces a considerable amount of heat and put the battery under stress.

Motoring experts have said that fast-charging stations should be used sparingly by drivers.